Transposition #3 installed at the Albertov Botanical Gardens in Prague, CZ, 2016

Detail of Transposition #3

Image Detail

Detail of Transposition #3

Detail of Transposition #3

Transposition #8 installed at the Albertov Botanical Gardens in Prague, CZ, 2016

Detail of Transposition #8

Image Detail

Detail of Transposition #8

Image Detail
Commonly humans want to categorize and compartmentalize our material existence: there is the landscape and there is the city; there is the digital and there is the physical; there is chaos and there is harmony. In our increasingly technological existance, this feeling is only perpetuated and amplified by the increased contrast to those areas that exist in our urban centers, the surrounding landscape in which they exist, and our technological environments. In actuality though none of these elements can exist in a singular fashion without influence from another. Transposition explores these perceived binaries not as opposites, but rather as a spectrum, revealing the complex influences between the languages of landscape, urbanity, and technology.
All works from Transposition were commissioned and supported by theFotograf Festivalin Praugue, CZ, 2016.
Albertov Botanical Gardens
Fotograf Festicval #6
Prague, CZ
Transposition #3 Materials:
Birch Plywood, Pine Stock, UV Print, Tempered Glass, Astroturf, Plexi-Glass, Fluorescent Lights, Concrete, Wood Chips, Resin.
Transposition #8 Materials:
Birch Plywood, Pine Stock, UV Print, Tempered Glass, Astroturf, Plexi-Glass, Fluorescent Lights, Concrete, Gravel, Resin.